Peanut Letter Cookie / Letter Di Pinda
Peanut Letter Cookie / Letter Di Pinda
Views : 12050
Submitted by : Elsa Bulbaai
Submit Date : November 17, 2016, 3:54 pm


    Peanut letter cookie best known as Letter di Pinda, is a cookie made out of peanut and shaped into the letter S from which the name came from. This is a very popular and delicious cookie made in Curacao and some other neighboring islands.


    • 3/4 lbs all purpose flour
    • 1/2 lbs sugar
    • 6 Eggs
    • 1 lbs of roasted and fine grinded peanut
    • 1 teaspoon baking powder
    • 1 teaspoon powder Cinnamon
    • 1 tablespoon of Vanilla
    • 1 teaspoon of powdered clove


    1. Mixed the baking powder and flour together
    2. In a seperate bowl, wisk the eggs together and slowly add the sugar while whisking
    3. When thoroughly whisked, slowly add the flour mixture into the egg mixed and keep mixing them as you pour the flour to the mix.
    4. Mix both mixes together thoroughly and then add the vanilla, cinnamon and clove powder and keep mixing until everything is mixed thoroughly.
    5. Now add the fine grinded peanut into the mix and mix them thoroughly.
    6. If the mix (dough) is to soft, add some more flour. 
    7. In a baking pan, using baking paper or creese the pan with Crisco shortening and shape your letters and put them in the Pan.
    8. Turn on the over to 250F and bake the cookies for about 15 minutes until golden brown