Refrigerated Lady Finger Cake / Bolo di frigidaire ku langevinger
Refrigerated Lady Finger Cake / Bolo di frigidaire ku langevinger
Views : 8826
Submitted by : Antillean Eats
Submit Date : November 6, 2018, 2:21 pm
Antillean Eats Social


This is a delicious refrigerated cake using Lady finger. It is nice sweet a creamy cake that is very popular in Curacao on the holidays.


  • 1 pack of ladyfiger cookies
  • 1 medium can of crusshed pinnaple. (about 10oz)
  • 1 lime
  • 1 egg yoke
  • 1cup of sugar
  • ½ lb of butter
  • 1 bottle of whipped cream (avoset cream)
  • For decoration a bag of Chocolate Sprinkles
  • Some rum


  1. With a hand mixes mix the butter with sugar.
  2. Beat the egg yokes and then mix with the butter.
  3. Pour out the pinnable juice into a glass and put the pinnable into the butter mix..
  4. As we slowly mix the pinnable, squeze the lime into the mix slowly.
  5. Add some water and suger to the pinnaple juice.
  6. If ake is made for only adults, Mix some of the rum with the pinnaple juice to taste.
  7. Soak the ladyfingers one by one for about 4 seconds and lay them down in a glass baking dish.
  8. When covering the bottom, cover them with the butter mixture. And repeat step 7 and 8 until you are out of the mixture
  9. Now mix the cream good until it becomes foamy and put this on top of the cake.
  10. Add the chocolate sprinkles on top of the cream
  11. Refrigerate for about 4 hours or until it gets complete cold.
  12. Ready to serve. Enjoy !